Nanchang airport economic zone
Nanchang Airport Economic Zone, as the 18th national new area in China, is at the stage of vigorous development. We have integrated aviation elements, aircraft flying in the sky of Nanchang, highlighting the characteristics of adjacent aviation of Nanchang Airport Economic Zone, wishing nanchang Airport economic Zone a soaring future. In order to highlight the region, we integrated "Nanchang" initials "NC" as a special attribute; The middle of the Logo is a rising sun on the horizon, which represents the full vitality of Nanchang Airport Economic Zone. The top is the sky, and the bottom is the ground. The circular icon formed by the integration of heaven and earth is the meaning of the sun, the second is the earth, also refers to the development momentum of globalization, and the third is the blessing of reunion and happiness. The orange-red color of the sun represents vigor and vitality, and the blue color of science and technology represents innovation and openness, which contains good wishes.